Saturday, February 9, 2008

Chapter Four - Lost

Matt was on a stairway... shattered in his thoughts in complexity and serenity. He was alone, with no signs of life. It was all dark and lonely... and cold. There was a door on the top of the last step, that seemed to breathe with life. He pounded up to the top step, nearly tripping. He felt weak and dizzy at the same time. He opened the door and fell into darkness, reappearing on the stairway again. Instead of climbing to the top, Matt just fell off from the balistray, only appearing in the same place yet again. "Where am I?" Matt cried. He couldn't think nor speak.

He ran to the top and opened the door. This time there was a garden, with flowers and plants everywhere. He jumped out and came to the picture. Bees and pollen were flying around, causing Matt to sneeze. He could barely hear his own breath. Matt closed his eyes and found himself next to a woman Matt never saw before. The more he stared at her, the clearer she became. She does look familiar...

"Bonette..." Matt said, taking in a breath. The oldest lightning bender in the world, and daughter to the lighting man who died hundreds of years ago. The lady was still not responding but looking straight ahead. Matt turned in her direction and saw another door that appeared out of no where. Matt rushed to it and came to a labratory. He looked at himself and saw that he looked older. More mature. A second later he was back to normal. Matt fell and sobbed bitterly.

That did it. He woke up and found himself on a hard uncomfortable couch. He was dreaming this whole time. Where was he now. Matt explored his environment and saw to his dismay that he was not home, but in a laboratory. Test tubes were everywhere, containing samples of liquid Matt didn't even want to look at. A huge electric beam was holding Matt into place do he could not move. A plate with aged cheese was next to him, for food probably. He was hungry, so he took a nibble. A spasm instantly hit him. Hunger. He ate faster until he was full.

Matt then saw shadows on the other side of the doorway. Matt quickly hid under the blanket that kept him warm. Additionally, he pretended to sleep, making snoring sounds and occasional grunts. The door barged open and a man appeared, dressed in a black robe. He looked familiar in looks...

The idiot is still asleep." The thing said with a hoarse whisper. Matt instantly knew who it was. The thing that took me. Fred, or Greg. Fred or Greg made a quick examination on Matt and closed the door behind him, leaving Matt once again in the darkness. As Matt moved his legs to make himself confortable, he touched a sharp object. "Ah." Matt said, forgetting to whisper. Silence again. Matt, relieved, bent to touch the object. It was a rubber band with a peice of metal on it. Matt looked at the electric beam and smiled. Rubber and electricity don't go together...

Matt was free from the beam. After stretching for 10 seconds, he placed a few objects under the blanket so it looked like he hadn't moved. Matt crept to the door and looked through the small window on the top. Matt was at the end of the hallway, and it seemed to turn left to something else. No other rooms were next to him. Matt opened the door. Locked. Matt attempted to use his lighting power, but it didn't work. "What?' He tried a few more times. Nothing.

Matt then tried some of his other attacks. Nothing worked at all. He had no electric powers. Matt was forced to find another way out, but finding none, he slouched on the couch. What was he supposed to do now? An idea him. The lock was locked, but not the door. He rushed up to the door and slid his fingers along the hinges. The door fell to the floor with a soft clang. Matt walked briskly down the long hallway until it was time to make the left turn. Peering around the edge, he saw that there was another hallway proceeded with a left turn yet again. Again, he couldn't fly. Furious, Matt ran to the end and looked over to the left. There, is where he saw the exit... guarded by Fred and Greg. He could now tell the difference. They each had necklaces with their names on it. Fred was talking to Greg when his eyes met Matt's.

Fred roared, "Sieze the enemy!" Guards ran through the exit with MP4's in their hands. However, they were loaded with rocket launchers. Matt gulped. "If you don't comprimise, we'll open fire." Greg said, edging foreward to the spot Matt stood. Matt raised his hands in the sign of mercy. Without his lightning, he was hopeless. The guards seized his arms, gun aimed at his neck. Matt looked over and saw a sword in the hand of an enemy. Matt quickly used his muscles and broke free. He took the sword and slashed at the enemy. It died in a gasp of sweat. Greg and Fred disappeared, leaving Matt with a hundred guards armed. "OPEN FIRE!" Greg roared through the speaker.

Matt ran back the way he came, his attackers close on pursuit. When Matt turned the right, he threw the sword behind, slitting 5 in the mouth. Matt took the door and threw it behind him. Now he was trapped. The guards nudged one into capturing Matt. The rocket launchers equipped on each one looked deadly. Matt groaned and followed them, head low. He wasn't going home today...

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